NY-MET II (2018)
Second floor of the MET contains the following departments-
1. European paintings- 1,700 art pieces
2. Ancient Near Eastern art- 7,000
3. Asian art- 35,000
4. Islamic art- 12,000
5 Photographs- 25,000
6. Drawings and prints- 17,000 and 1.5 million
7. Musical instruments- 5,000
I spent most of my time in the paintings galleries. The works of notable artists of 19th and 20th century (impressionism and post impressionism) are displayed here. Seeing them is a visual delight to say the least. There was no time to see other departments in depth and also no room to cover them reasonably well in a short album. So I will stick to the paintings. Photos are mine and descriptions are from the “MET Collection”. I condensed them to fit the caption area.
After the tour, I walked into the museum store and found a souvenir magnet on display. It read “I dream my painting and I paint my dream”. May be Vincent van Gogh revealed his secret as well as the secret of all masters.
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